Have you ever heard of the pronunciation table? If you take a look at the first page of the dictionary, there will be a table of pronunciation. The table shows the symbols which are used to represent the various sounds of the English language. Today we had learned about the pronunciation table. It is very interesting to actually know how the sounds were made!
The Pronunciation Table
The are two types of sounds, consonant sounds and vowel sounds. The consonant sounds can be divided into two that is voiced and unvoiced. Do you know how to recognised the voiced and unvoiced sound? You can easily know the sounds by putting your fingers in your ear and try to make /p/ and /b/ sounds. The vibration tells that the sound is a voiced sound. Try it out for yourself and experiment with other consonant sounds! Can you differentiate the voiced and unvoiced sounds?
If you take a look at the table shown above, some vowel symbols has two dots after it for example /i:/. The two dots represents that it has a longer vowel sound. For instance:
/i:/ - seat (has a longer 'i' sound)
/i/ - sit (short 'i' sound)These vowels can also be combine to make new vowels that is dipthongs and triphthongs.
Dipthongs- wage, coin, fair, clear
Triphthongs- buyer, power
To increase our understanding on the phonetics symbols and the sounds, we are asked to read aloud and find the consonant, vowel, dipthongs and tripthongs sounds in the two poems that were taken from Sir Marzuki's standard 5 text book. Last but not least, we also learned about syllable and its rule. It is really interesting to learn about pronunciation because by learning this, we can learn to speak English proficiently.
A lot of thank to Sir Marzuki bin Maulud for such an interesting lecture on this topic :)
Written by: Siti Aisyah binti Nasarudin
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