Sunday, 16 March 2014


Syllable stress

In this lesson, our class had learned one of the important part of pronunciation, syllable stress. There were some rules about which syllable that should be stress.Although the rules were rather complicated but it was totally fun to learn about it. For example, initials of the companies or organizations were usually stressed at the end:
                                                  (BBC, TWA, IBM, IMF, WWF, WHO, NHK)
It was fun when we tried to say that word with the correct pronunciation!

Then, we had to do some activities to make us more clear about this lesson. We were asked to be in pair. One of the partner need to read a poem "English Pronunciation", the other one would wrote it down on a piece of paper.From this, we had learned to be more care about how we pronounced a word and how the pronunciation could effect the meaning of the word.

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